The leading cause of cancer death among women is breast cancer. Simply put early detection saves lives. If you are not comfortable with doing regular monthly breast self-exams then simply get to know your breasts without following any systematic steps or rigid schedule. You can notice any changes in your breasts better if you already are familiar with how your breasts normally look and feel. Check the list below and see if you are at great risk for developing breast cancer.
- Menstruation at an early age (before the age of 12)
- Having children later in life (after the age of 30) or not at all
- Current or recent use of birth control pills
- Standard North American diet: void of vital nutrients and high in fat, sugar and preservatives
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Being overweight
- Alcohol consumption
Knowing your risk factors empowers you to take action and modify your lifestyle to reduce them effectively. Here is what to keep in mind if you happen to find a lump during self examination. The most important thing is keep calm. Remember breast changes can be normal and MOST breast lumps and other changes are NOT cancer. Then make an appointment to see your health practitioner who will be able to do a complete check up and assessment.
Steps to keep your breasts healthy
Estrogen is a key factor in development of breast cancer therefore it is important to keep estrogen levels in check. High fiber diet can reduce the amount of estrogen in circulation. It can also help optimize your body weight and eliminate the excess estrogen that would be produced by your body’s fat cells. Eating more fruits, vegetables and legumes will add extra fiber to your diet.
Take care of your liver by doing a liver cleanse twice a year. The liver helps neutralize chemicals and convert potentially harmful estrogen into a safer form of estrogen. A gentle liver cleanse support can be achieved through nutrition by simply adding dandelion greens and beet roots to your diet.
Vitamin D has been shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer. Find out what your vitamin needs are before starting a supplement regiment.
Reduce your alcohol intake. According to a study in the Journal of American Medical Association, 3-6 drinks (beer, wine, or spirits) per week significantly increases breast cancer risk. Here is a quick review of what constitutes “one” drink of various alcoholic drinks.
- 12 ounces of beer
- 5 ounces of wine
- 1.5 ounces of spirits
There are many studies that show wine to be heart healthy however, the research is also clear about alcohol consumption increasing breast cancer risk. If you have numerous risk factors (check list above) it is to your benefit to try to keep your alcohol level to a minimum.
Breast cancer is not a fun topic to think about or discuss but it is an important one. 1 in 9 women will develop breast cancer in Ontario. You may not be able to change your family history and your genetic predisposition but leading a healthier lifestyle is in your power. Stay healthy and enjoy the holidays.